
Apr 131 min

To the Editor: Voting April 23rd

Dear Sir,

On April 23rd, we will be heading to the polls to vote for a new State Representative for the 63rd District. We will need to choose a candidate that will best serve the people of this legislative district with qualities such as honesty, integrity, standing up for their convictions, and listening to what the people want. I am extremely confident that Darlene Smail has these qualities. Although she is new to the world of politics, I feel that this will benefit her outlook as to what the people want from our state government. She will be a great asset to the people of this District. Her background as a United States Marine, a Pennsylvania State Trooper, a mother who home-schooled her children, and her involvement in local activities will help ensure that the people of this District will be well represented to the fullest degree. The needs of her constituents will be first and foremost. She wants to improve the quality of our educational system, protect our elections, and return the government's accountability to the people, she believes in term limits, and is America First.

So, on April 23rd, VOTE Darlene Smail - No. 1 on the ballot — for the type of representation we need.

Rose Wilson,

Parker, PA
