Need a holiday gift idea? The Clarion Conservation District is having a Holiday Rain Barrel Sale! A rain barrel is a system that collects and stores rainwater from your roof that would otherwise be lost to runoff and diverted to storm drains and streams. The barrels connect to the downspout of your home or business and can hold 50 gallons of rainwater that can be used for watering plants, a lawn, or washing outdoor equipment such as your car, patio, driveway, etc. The water is not potable. It needs to be emptied in the winter time to prevent the water from freezing and cracking your barrel.
How to purchase: Call 814-393-6147 at least one day in advance to order one and we will have it ready for you to pick up at our office located at 249 S. 2nd Ave. Clarion, PA.
They are open M-F 8:00 am-4:00 pm.
Do you like the artwork done on the one at our office? (see photo). The artwork was done by local artist Cynthia Scandria. Her contact information can be given upon request if you are interested in having yours painted. Typically we sell the barrels and kits for $85- grab one now while they are 25% off for the barrel & kit ($63.75) or $20 for a barrel with no kit
