Fellow Republican Mark Trimarchi left, along with Pastor Carl Johnson (Precinct Committeeman-East Franklin Twp East) right, congratulate newly elected ACRC Chairwoman Darlene Smail (center).
The Armstrong County Republican Committee elected Darlene Smail, as its new chair at its Aug 31st meeting. Chairwoman Smail previously served as acting Chair in the interim with the resignation of former Chairwoman Darlene Iseman. Chairwoman Smail thanked Mrs. Iseman for her service as Chair recognizing her many accomplishments. Chairwoman Smail then addressed the crowd of 60 plus on the plan to promote both county and state Republican candidates, to include the importance of increasing voter turn-out, in the upcoming Nov 7th General Election.
The next scheduled ACRC meeting is September 28th at 7:00 PM at the Living Water Church. For additional information or questions, reach out to Chairwoman Darlene Smail at (724) 902-2244 / dsmail2244 @windstream.net or Anthony Shea (Major - USAF - Ret) PAGOP State Committeeman (Armstrong County) at ashea247@comcast.net and/or see updates on the Armstrong County Republican Committee Facebook page.