Dear Editor,
I have my grandmother’s old plain player piano. It never made it into my house when it was delivered because I had 3 small kids & no room, so it went into the detached garage where it sat for over 40 years. In its heyday, it sat, with rocking chairs & a small heater, in my grandparent’s little grocery store where people would visit & listen to someone (it’s power source) pump the pedals to play the piano rolls.
They played it a lot because they had over 50 rolls.
It would be nice to have it restored to its original glory, but I don’t know of anyone who would do that & it would probably be too expensive. Besides, the mice & chipmunks etc. have nestled in & destroyed the inner workings.
Believers in Christ are like that piano. When they are connected to the power source, God, they shine in all their individual talents. But when pride steps in & they think they can do it all by themselves or take the credit for their talent, then their power source leaves & that talent shrivels up until they acknowledge their sin & ask God to forgive them. He cleans up anyone who asks with a sincere heart & Christ’s restoration is absolutely free! He already paid the price for our sin & when He calls us home, we will get a completely new, better than the old, body that will sit in God’s house forever! So, plug into “THE” power source today so others might be blessed by your talents for the Glory of God!
Karen Baran, Shippenville