Jeannie L. Ritchey, Venango County Treasurer, has announced the 2024 Venango County Dog Licenses will become available on December 1, 2023.
State law requires that all dogs three months or older, or upon transfer to a new owner, whichever comes first, be licensed on or before January 1 each year. The fees are as follows:
December 1, 2023 through January 31, 2024: A Regular Annual license is $8.70 and a Regular Lifetime license is $51.70. If the animal is spayed or neutered, the annual fee is $6.70 and lifetime is $31.70. Senior Citizen/Person with Disability an Annual license is $6.70 and a Lifetime license is $31.70. If the animal is spayed or neutered the annual fee is $4.70 and lifetime is $21.70.