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B&GC-AA Club Members Tour the Allegheny with Foxburg Tours

Members of the Boys and Girls Club Along the Allegheny enjoyed a River tour with Captain Kurt Crosby of Foxburg Tours. The club members learned about the history along the Allegheny as well as the importance of the ecosystem, wildlife and boating safety.

You can learn more about the Foxburg Tours and their pontoon tours by visiting their website at www.foxburg You can also contact them by email at: or call 724-290-2095.

The Boys & Girls Club Along the Allegheny is located at 511 Hill Street, in the Crawford Center lower level. Call 724-867-3122 for more information.

Brenton, a member of the Boys & Girls Club Along the Allegheny uses binoculars to see what is on the river banks of the Allegheny.


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