Jordan Merryman, Emlenton’s new police chief.
The Emlenton Borough Police Department has made a few changes. The new Police Chief is now Jordan Merryman. She began duties on October 2, 2023. Chief Merryman has taken over the duties from the former police chief Michael Mills, who stepped down due to other obligations, but he will remain on the police force and assist Merryman on a part-time basis.
Emlenton Mayor, Judy Lentz said of the town’s new Police Chief, “Jordan brings not only an eagerness to serve as the Police Chief of Emlenton Borough but also is well qualified for this position and will complement the services that will continue to be provided by Mike Mills, as he will continue as a part-time police officer.”
Lentz continued, “Emlenton Borough is also in the process of interviewing for another part-time officer to better serve not only the Emlenton community but also the ACV School District and Richland Township (Venango County).”
Before coming to Emlenton, Merryman was a police officer for the Frazer Township Police Department and the Brookville Borough Police Department and a Material Analyst. She has also received several awards and certificates such as Act 120 Municipal Police Academy; First Aid/CPR; SFST (Standardized Field Sobriety Testing). She is also certified to foster children through Clarion CYS.
Chief Merryman says that she always wanted to work in law enforcement for as long as I can remember. She said, “I just knew there was always that gut feeling that this is what I was meant to do. I believe in making a difference. I believe in making a positive impact in people's lives.” She added, “Being in this position will enable me to help those in need, provide support during traumatic moments, and ensure the safety of individuals, children, and families, is what rewards me and is part of who I am”.
Merryman lives locally and is a native of Shippenville, and a graduate of Keystone High School.
The Emlenton Borough and this newspaper, welcomes her and we wish her the best of success in her new duties.