Zane is 9 years old and is the youngest son of Shawn and Jennifer Morgan of Cranberry, PA. Zane is in the 4th grade and attends Clarion Christian School. He enjoys flag football, hockey and baseball. He loves to rollerblade, ride his bike and play with Legos.
On November 15th he was diagnosed with a right ear infection and put on an antibiotic. By the morning of Friday, November 17th he became quite ill with vomiting and a severe headache and neck pain. Zane’s parents took him to UPMC Seneca where had blood work, CT and x-ray. The CT scans of his brain were abnormal and he was immediately transported to Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh.
As soon as he arrived at the hospital, an MRI was scheduled. The MRI presented what would be his diagnosis called Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). With this diagnosis by Saturday, Zane was completely paralyzed on his left side and was blinded.
Over the next five days Zane had 3 more MRI’s, a Spinal Tap, an EEG, Antibiotics, Antivirals, multiple blood work done, 5 IV’s and a PICC Line. Noticeable changes within a six day period became after heavy steroids and an IVIG treatment.
After 35 days in the hospital and hours of rehab, Sane was discharged just before Christmas. Zane will continue to have follow up visits to Pittsburgh and outpatient Occupational therapies. In six months to a year, Zane has an excellent chance of a full recovery.
See related article about the Forsythe's Snowball Kickball Benefit that also benefits at Julian Pennington.