Grace EC Church, located on 2561 Grace Church RD in Ninevah, will host their Annual Missionary Conference April 6-9. The theme is “Heart for the Harvest” with the scripture text from John 4:35 “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest”
On Saturday, April 6th will kick off the services with a dinner at 5:45 pm. Representatives from Keystone Family Alliance and Child Evangelism will share their missions.
On Sunday, April 7 during the morning service (9:00 a.m.) Jamie Farr will share.
During the Sunday School hour (10:30 a.m.) various Missionaries will share in the adult Sunday School classes.
At 5:00 p.m. a pizza party will be held for the Youth and Jamie Farr will speak to the youth.
At 7:00 p.m. Brian and Missy will share with the adults.
On Monday, April 8 at noon a Ladies Luncheon with Missy Wagner and Hilary Theiss will be sharing.
The men will meet at the Carriage Inn in Knox with Jamie Farr and Brian Wagner.
An Ice Cream Social will be held at 7 p.m. with a representative from Women at the Well sharing.
On Tuesday, April 9th at 9:00 a.m. the Missionary Conference will conclude with a breakfast with Brian and Missy Wagner sharing.
The public is invited to attend.
About The Missionaries
Jamie Farr has been on the mission field his whole life. From growing up as a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea to working in Thailand with his wife, Anita. In August 2021 Jamie began a new role as Strategic Innovation Consult with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Orlando, Florida. Jamie’s role is primary focused on global strategies to see every community get access to some portion of the Bible by 2033
Brian and Missy Wagner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kijabe, Kenya. They have a love for teaching and mentoring Missionary Kids. They have served in a variety of roles including teachers, dorm parents, and class sponsors. Brian has taught AP Calculus and served as math department chair. He has also been the coordinator for curriculum development, school accreditation and RVA’s interim program. Missy has served in the role of Admissions Director, guiding families through the application process and helping them prepare for their child’s transition to RVA.
Local Missions will also sharing Child Evangelism Fellowship, Woman at the Well, Prison Ministry and Keystone Family Alliance.