On Sunday, November 6, at 11:00 AM Parker Presbyterian Church will host a Sunday Service recognizing Veterans Day and those who served the United States of America - war time and peace time.
Rev. Chuck Cline, pastor of the Parker Church and Chaplain of VFW Post 7073 will bring the message. Rev. Dan Myers, United Methodist pastor and Chaplain of American Legion Post 598 will lead with prayer. H. Jack Buzard will be assisting both pastors with the morning service.
Members of both Posts are asked, but not required, to wear their uniforms. This service is open to any and all veterans who served in war time and/or peace time.
With each passing year, our numbers dwindle as we answer the Final Roll Call. We implore that ALL veterans, active duty or former active duty, to consider joining in this Hour of Worship dedicated to ALL who have or are presently serving.
Commander Gunner Mueller and Commander Buzard would appreciate a strong presence of veterans to show Glory to God and Love of this Great Country.