The East Brady Area Development Corporation (EBADC) is looking for nominees for both residential and business/church/public building beautification awards. Nomination applications can be found under the EBADC tab on the East Brady Borough website at, or at the Old Bank Deli at 323 Kelly’s Way, and Farmer’s National Bank at 433 Kelly’s Way. Forms can be turned in at the deli, bank or the borough office at 502 Ferry Street or by mailing the completed form to EBADC at PO Box 355, East Brady, PA. Nominations are due by July 15th. Please limit your nominations to one per category per person. A presentation of the awards will take place at the EBADC 70th anniversary picnic at the East Brady Riverfront Park in early August. Watch for details regarding the picnic that is currently in the planning stages!
Residential nominees should be homes in East Brady or Brady’s Bend that have an eye-catching yard that has been planned, planted, and maintained by the home owner or family member. Business/church/public property nominees should be a business/church/public property that devotes extra effort to their property’s beautification and maintenance.
Following a review of the nominations, the committee, made up of representatives from the Clarion County Economic Development Corporation and the Garden Club of Clarion County, will visit each of the properties and will take note of curb appeal, maintenance, planning, and creativity. Awardees will receive a certificate, a yard sign to display on their property noting their achievement, an East Brady mug, and a lifetime membership to EBADC.
EBADC looks forward to receiving your nominations and to recognizing those who make the extra effort to beautify our small river and trail towns.