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On Sunny Lane: By Any Other Name

I am a big fan of that old Nike commercial that states, “Just Do It.”

Am I missing something? I don’t remember seeing that slogan enhancing the television screen lately. Or did Nike get tired of “just doing it?” And what were they doing anyway? I have taken that slogan to mean “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Hop to it. Dig right in.

Well, I have taken that message to heart. When I am sometimes tempted to drag my feet on a project, I just hope right to it. I have accomplished a lot of tasks by doing that very thing. And I’m always glad I did. Unless, of course, it’s something I really don’t want to do.

For instance, I did my spring cleaning a couple of months ago--except for the loft. I saved it for last. After all, I’m the only person who goes up there, except for Sweetheart, who only goes up there once or twice a year on some important mission. I go there once a day to take a nap. There is a bed there and it is comfy, cozy and secluded.

So, here it is, several months later and dust was accumulating on the book shelves and end table. Every time I looked at it, I told myself, “I must get to that,” but I didn’t. Not until today, that is. I suddenly decided that today was the day. I had time on my hands and no excuses left. So, I hopped right to it. I dug right in.

It only took me an hour to sweep, dust, wash off the furniture and put everything back where it belonged. And, you know what? It wasn’t such an unpleasant job.

Sometimes we dread doing a job, only to discover it isn’t all that bad. And, maybe, that’s why we postpone and procrastinate. Maybe, we should envision how enjoyable the job will be and make it so.

I’m just wondering, though. It is not spring, so the loft is not spring cleaned. It’s not fall either, so it can’t be fall cleaned. Did I just get a head start on next spring’s cleaning?

No matter what I call it, I get to do it again--any time I want.


Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at

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