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River Roots Redevelopment: Community Engagement

In redevelopment, community engagement plays a pivotal role in ensuring a successful result, and it benefits both the community and the developers. One of the primary reasons for involving residents in the decision-making process is to safeguard the interests of the community. By including the community in the redevelopment plans, development organizations make sure that your voices can be heard, and your concerns can be addressed. This helps to avoid important issues being overlooked in the redevelopment processes.

The engagement of local residents also ensures the sustainability of the redevelopment program. You, as a part of the community, have deep knowledge and understanding of the local context, history, and culture. Your insights are invaluable for making informed decisions that align with our community's values and aspirations. Your input ensures that the redevelopment plans are not only environmentally sustainable but also socially and economically beneficial for the entire community. By engaging in constructive dialogue together, we can identify alternative approaches, ensuring that the final redevelopment plan is more feasible, effective, and sustainable.

Community engagement also serves as a catalyst for capacity-building and social capital development. By involving local residents and stakeholders in meaningful engagement, opportunities for learning, skill development, and networking are created. Think “Knowledge Economy!” This also enables you to actively participate in future decision-making processes, thus ensuring our communities' continuous improvement and sustainability.

This is why, as a community member, it is so important to actively participate and engage in the redevelopment that shapes our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. By getting involved ourselves, we can ensure that our voices are heard, our concerns are addressed, and our vision for the community is realized. You can get involved by attending community meetings, like our Foxburg Friday Coffee Chats, or public forums, or by reaching out to decision-makers via email, phone call, or meeting. Voice your opinions, share your experiences, and contribute your ideas. Join local organizations and engage in dialogue with fellow residents and stakeholders. Together, we can take charge of our future, shaping a redevelopment process that reflects our collective values, preserves our heritage, and creates a vibrant community for generations to come.

If you would like to get involved and have your voice heard, I’d love to hear from you! You can reach out via email: Weather permitting, we will be Divani Chocolate every Friday from 1-3 pm for our Foxburg Fridays Coffee Chats. And keep an eye on our website ( and Facebook page (@RiverRootsRedevelopment) for updates on ongoing projects!


Rachel Brosnahan is the Community Engagement Coordinator for River Roots Redevelopment. She can be reached by email at

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