Rev. Frank Sapp, pastor, has announced the recommitment to caring for all by St Paul’s Community Church. He states, “As the only church in Sugarcreek Township, Armstrong County we carry a significant responsibility to our community to assure that all our neighbors are receiving the care they need. We are now making it clear that we will not only continue in that endeavor but strive to prove even more of the love and compassion that God has called us to offer.”
Currently St Paul’s is home to the Communities That Care who provide services to the Karns City Area School system they also are local outreach for the Chicora Unit of the Salvation. Recently they prepared and delivered meals to areas aging and shut ins. They also continue to serve as the meeting place for the local Girl Scout troop, assist monthly with the local food bank distribution, provide supplies to Haven, and support for the area backpack program. But the caring is not restricted to the local community as they offer financial support to a Guatemala feeding center, shoe boxes through Samaritan’s Purse, and volunteer at the UNTO missionary warehouse as they prepare supplies for overseas shipment.
Rev. Sapp says that the church will continue with these programs and with their sending short-term missionaries into various areas both nationally and internationally. Plans are underway to send a mission team back to Guatemala again in 2025 as they have sent members to this country many times prior. They are also committed to serving their own members through cards, visits, prayers and social gatherings.
The caring does not stop with the physical needs but continues to the spiritual needs as well. Biweekly Bible studies will continue for all the community conducting them both in the AM and the PM for the convenience of the area’s people. They are also offering an invitation for anyone seeking a loving and caring church to worship with them on Sunday mornings at 11 AM. There is also a youth program that covers ages 3 to 21 are various times.
For more information about how you can be a part of this caring effort simply contact the church office for additional information, 724-445-3834. St. Paul’s Community Church is located at 2167 PA-268, Chicora, PA 16025.
As Pastor Frank says, “We simply want to be known as ‘the caring church’ by the community and by God”.