Program at the Honor Roll
David Fleeger - Master of Ceremonies
Parade Marshall………………………………….……..……………..Bob Ripper
Raising of the Colors………………………………..……Boy Scout Troop 217
National Anthem…………………………………….….…Sung by Chloe Fritch
Invocation………………………………………............….Teacher/Pastor Denny Barger
Presentation of the Memorial Wreath…............................…..Ron Huff with Honor Guard
Musical Presentation-Amazing Grace.................................Bagpipe player, Steve McKinney
Reading Names of Deceased Veterans of the Past Year
Ron Huff………………………………..................Butler County of the year 2016-2017
Charles Hetrick Chicora Legion Post 642 Adjutant…….............................…..Bell Ringer
Introduction of Guest Speaker…............................… Post 642 Commander Dave Fleeger
Speaker …………………………...........………………….Captain Katie Coleman
Musical Selection………………………....................…Karns City High School Band
Introduction of Legionaire of the Year………………............………Charles Hetrick
American Legion 8th grade awards………...................…Presented by Dave Fleeger
Male………………………………………………………...…..……….Cody Kisor
Son of Tracy and Tim Kisor
Female…………………………………………………………….Madison Mahood
Daughter of Tyler and Melissa Mahood
Benediction……………………….…….............….KC Gremlin Forever Denny Barger
Firing Squad……………………………................…...…….American Legion Post 642
Under the Command of Rick Staugh
Taps and Echo……….….Members of the Karns City High School Band