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Forest & Venango County Director Seats Up for Election

PARKER, Pa., Feb. 1, 2023 - Central Electric Cooperative's (CEC's) Board of Directors is elected on a rotating basis for four-year terms. This year, the two director seats up for election are Forest and Venango counties.

All CEC members have a voice in who serves on the eight-member board of directors. Every year, members elect two directors. Director seats are divided among the counties the cooperative serves. In 2023, resident members from Forest and Venango counties are invited to run for these two seats. To be eligible for a nomination the individual must be a CEC member in good standing, have a permanent residence in Forest or Venango county, and meet other qualifications required by CEC’s bylaws.

To run for the CEC Board of Directors, members must request a potential director nominee packet by April 1, 2023. This packet then must be completed and returned to CEC by April 15, 2023. To receive a director nominee packet, please contact Renee Tritten at 800-521-0570.

After the cooperative confirms eligibility, the potential candidate will attend an orientation meeting and meet with the nominating committee for an interview. The committee then submits a list of the eligible candidates for placement on the ballot.

Nominee names, along with a photo and background information, are presented in the July issue of CEC's member newsletter. Cooperative members will vote by mail-in ballot or internet prior to the CEC Annual Meeting, or vote by paper ballot on the day of the meeting, Aug. 10, 2023, prior to the meeting’s commencement. Election results will be announced prior to the adjournment of the annual meeting.

More information about running for the board is available by visiting

Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative serving approximately 25,000 members with over 3,000 miles of distribution line in portions of Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Forest, Mercer, and Venango counties.

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