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Karns City Backpack Program to Hold Food Drive for Students

With the start of a new school year, KC Communities That Care is preparing for the start of their weekend backpack food program. KC Communities That Care is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that manages this program through a small, budgeted line item and with gracious community donations. With your help, we can continue to provide this essential program to our KC students. With your donation, we supplied weekend food to approximately 135 K-12 students enrolled in the program last year. We expect those numbers to increase this year. Our goal is to raise $15,000 for this project. Contribution levels are as follows:

$100 – provides backpack food for ONE student for the school year.

$300 – provides backpack food for THREE students for the school year.

$500 – provides backpack food for FIVE students for the school year.

$1,000 – provides backpack food for TEN students for the school year.

$2,500 – provides backpack food for TWENTY-FIVE students for the school year.

We are also hosting a collection drive on September 13th at the KC high school football game. If you would like to donate food items, we are in need of single serve items such as, mac and cheese cups, soups, fruit cups, crackers, and snacks.

Please call Kayla at 724-496-7225 for more information on how you can help. Monetary donations can be sent to PO BOX 121 East Brady, PA 16028.

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