Butler County Native Touts Strong Record of Service to Community

Marci Mustello (R-Butler)
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA — January 2, 2024 — State Representative Marci Mustello (R-Butler) has announced her candidacy for re-election to the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives in the 11th Legislative District. A Butler County native, Mustello resides in Butler Township and is currently serving her second full two-year term after being initially elected to office in a 2019 special election.
“I am extremely proud to represent the 11th District and to make sure that our voices are heard in Harrisburg,” said Mustello. “There are tremendous challenges facing state government along with constant pressures that seek to fundamentally change how our democracy works. I stand steadfast in defending our democracy, the rule of law and promoting legislation and government practices that assure security, well-being and sustainability for our communities and our future.
As we work to contain the size and scope of government, we must also be focused on how to grow and sustain our economy. Government does not create jobs. However, good government policies can allow the private sector to expand and flourish. I work hard to try to make it easier for businesses to do business in Pennsylvania. My most recent bill dealing with LCB licensing is a great example of that.”
Mustello’s bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 203-0 and the State Senate with only one dissenting vote. It was signed into law by the Governor, successfully demonstrating bipartisanship on matters of economic importance and streamlining government processes.
“In addition to seeking ways to make government more efficient, maintaining an effective legislative office is paramount in connecting constituents with information and assisting them in navigating through the inherent red-tape in the system,” said Mustello. “Our district’s legislative office is currently one of the busiest in the Commonwealth and I am pleased to have an exceptional staff to serve our community.
I look forward to continuing my service to our community as your legislator,” added Mustello, “and I also look forward to seeing many friends and familiar faces along the campaign trail in 2024. I am committed to working just as hard for my re-election as I do to serve my constituents each and every day.”
The 11th Legislative District includes the following municipalities in Butler County: The City of Butler; Townships of Buffalo, Butler, Clearfield, Clinton, Donegal, Jefferson, Oakland, Summit, and Winfield; and Boroughs of Chicora, East Butler and Saxonburg. Additional information on Representative Mustello can be found at www.repmustello.com