Kaylynne Zieagler
Kalynne Ziegler, a senior undergraduate student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in the Health and Physical Education Teacher Education program, was recognized as the 2024 recipient of the Outstanding Future Professional Award.
This award is given by the PA chapter of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE PA), an organization for health and physical education professionals. The Outstanding Future Professional Award recognizes student achievements in academics, professional service and potential, and contributions to the university and community.
Ziegler is very active in her major, the university, and her local community. She is also IUP’s liaison for a state-wide SHAPE PA Future Professional Advisory Council. Ziegler received her award at the state SHAPE PA Convention on November 8, 2024.
Kaylynne is also in the Honors Program and she is a student athlete in Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track. She is a 2021 graduate of Cranberry High School. She is the daughter of Bryan and Wendi Ziegler of Seneca.