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Entries Arriving for February Nature Art Showcase

“Butterfly Tree” produced by

Vicki Kidder-Clark of Seneca, PA


Entries for the February 7 - 8, 2025 Ninth Annual Nature Art Showcase and Sale have begun arriving. Among the original artwork depicting outdoor recreation, natural resources, and landscapes already registered, included are acrylic, oil, and watercolor paintings; traditional and digital photography; stained glass; woodcarvings; and 3-D items blending nature’s own materials and wide-ranging art media. This free public display is held in the lobby of the Barrow-Civic Theatre in downtown Franklin that Friday evening 5 - 7 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

For example, Vicki Kidder-Clark who began her artwork in Pittsburgh and now resides in Venango County, and her business called R & V Rescue Art specialize in photography and mixed media. One of her entries this year, entitled “Butterfly Tree”, is up-scaled mixed media combining used butterfly-shaped costume jewelry into a festive tree shape framed creatively. This item, like a good portion of this year’s entries, is in a featured category of Pollinators of various species at work and the flowers/fruits/vegetables produced thanks to successful pollination. Most of the exhibit entries can be purchased on site during this two-day public event.

Artists are encouraged to register no later than January 8 so that their information and photo of their artwork appear in this year’s printed exhibit program booklet. Each artist may enter one or two original items. Participating artists have a choice of providing a $10 registration fee or serving as an on-site volunteer for two hours during the set-up days, public event days, or post-event process of conducting the Nature Art Showcase and Sale which is a free-admission event which was visited by over a thousand guests in February of 2024.

Artist registration packets may be picked up in person at these locations: In Oil City – Venango Area Chamber of Commerce, and the third floor of City Hall; In Titusville – Titusville Council on the Arts; In Franklin – Victorian City Art & Frame; In Meadville – French Creek Framing and Fine Art; and In Warren, PA – Penn Soil Resource Conservation & Development Council on Conewango Avenue. Registration instructions and forms may be downloaded from the Council on Greenways and Trails’ website

Call Marilyn Black at (814) 671-2058 if you desire a registration packet to be mailed directly to you.

This family-friendly event began in 2016, with its administration duties shared since then by the Penn Soil RC&D Council (serving eight counties) and the Council on Greenways and Trails (focusing on Clarion, Crawford, and Venango Counties). Additional sponsors include Ernst Conservation Seeds, Barrow-Civic Theatre, Be Here, Franklin Fine Arts Council, Moonrise Porcelain & Stoneware, Oil City Arts Council, and Anonymous Friends of the Council on Greenways and Trails.

For more information, please dial Sherry Moore or Wes Ramsey at the Penn Soil RC&D Council, (814) 726-1141. Visit the website for more details.

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