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Town Talk - the "Bread" of the Community - Mom’s the Word

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

“Over the years, I learned so much from mom. She taught me about the importance of home and history and family and tradition. She also taught me that aging need not mean narrowing the scope of your activities and interests or a diminution of the great pleasures to be had in the everyday.”

- Martha Stewart

I chose this special quote by Martha Stewart for two reasons: first, because it sums up how I feel about my own Mom; and second, because it fittingly conveys the all-encompassing nature of just one of the many roles Moms assume upon entering motherhood. In addition to educating, mothering is an action which incorporates cherishing, nurturing, and protecting, to name a few Mom functions. To me, this means: whether you are mothering children or pets, a Moms ability to love and care for living things is simply fundamental to their nature. Considering Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8th, I asked a wide array of community members to tell me what they believe to be the most special thing about their Mom. The following sentiments were expressed:

-My Mom is one of the kindest ladies with a heart of gold.

-She was my best friend!

-Always has my back.

- She was incredibly thoughtful and would leave us notes and send us things in the mail…she just made me feel special!

-I would have to say her unconditional love for her family…she was my wonderwoman.

-Her perseverance!

-I think the most special thing about her was her happy, friendly, loving personality…she just had this aura about her that made people want to talk to her.

-My Mom never forgets to tell me how proud she is of me, no matter how small the achievement.

-My Mom taught me how to act like a real lady.

-She never misses sending me a card on my birthday, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and even Mother’s Day (even though I only have fur babies); she even sends my fur babies cards on their birthdays! She never forgets.

-She made care packages for me the entire time I was in college.

- Whenever I visit, my Mom never lets me leave empty handed.

- She showed me the importance of keeping a clean home. “Clean home, clean mind”, she would always say.

-She helps me with my math homework almost every night until I understand it.

-She got up and made breakfast for me every single day before I went to school.

So Moms! Whether your babies – with or without fur – say it to you a lot or perhaps not enough, I would like to reinforce – on Mother’s Day (and always) – that your role is extraordinary!

Mom is the word! For…

“There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” –

– Elder M. Russell Ballard

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